Below you will find examples of how we have helped our clients.
- Security Measures for Critical Minerals – preliminary study, The IEA (2024)
- Preparation and facilitation of strategy workshops (including virtual workshops and online challenge). Recser Oy. (2024)
- Project Manager for the National Mineral Strategy for Finland at the Geological Survey of Finland GTK. (2024)
- Participating as a Peer-reviewer in the International Energy Agency (IEA) Critical Minerals Country Review of the United Sates (Nov 2023)
- Strategy update. Recser Oy (including virtual workshop). (2021)
- Preparation and facilitation of strategy workshop (including virtual workshop). Akkukierrätys Pb Oy. (2021)
- Utilisation possibilities of waste-rock and tailings – preliminary study (2021). (in Finnish)
- National Battery Strategy (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland). (2021) Note: Jarkko Vesa worked at the ministry and acted as the project manager for the Battery strategy work.
- Strategy update. Tuottajayhteisöjen neuvottelukunta (TYNK). (2020)
- Artificial Intelligence and the Security of Supply in the Finnish Technology Industry. National Emergency Supply Agency (2019)
- System Dynamics Modeling of the Finnish Electric Vehicle Markets. Project funded by STEK ry. (2019)
- System Dynamics Modeling of Selected Critical Chemicals. National Emergency Supply Agency (2019)
- Strategy update. Finnish Car Recycling (2018)
- CIRC4Life Innovation Camp, Nov 12-15, 2018, Cracow, Poland. Industry expert sparring the teams.
- Critical Raw Materials and the Security of Supply. National Emergency Supply Agency (June 2017, Finnish)
- Circular Economy and Product Policy. The Federation of Finnish Technology Industries (2016)
- Recycling of Li-ion-based batteries of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. Finnish Car Recycling Ltd. (2015 – 2016)
- eWaste Recycling Demo Facility – WeeeFINer. The Federation of Finnish Technology Industries (2015-2017)
- The Industrial Internet and the Security of Supply. National Emergency Supply Agency (March 2015, in Finnish)
- Environmental Regulation for Products – A Road map for SMEs. The Federation of Finnish Technology Industries. (April 2015, in Finnish)
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Feasibility Study. OpusCapita (2014-2015)
Seminars, conferences, webcasts & podcasts:
- Opening speech at the Foreign Investments, Full Value Chain Possibilities section, Nordic Regional Battery Visit, Oct 1, 2024, Vaasa. “Critical Minerals and European Development”.
- Presentation at Eloriihi 2024 event, Huoltovarmuuskeskus, Aug 29, 2024, Helsinki. “Kriittisten raaka-aineiden saatavuus ja niiden mahdollinen käyttö hybridivaikuttamisen välineenä” (Critical Raw Materials and their Potential Use as a means of Hybrid Influence).
- Key note presentation at Keski-Suomen kiertotalousmessut, Aug 28, 2024, Jyväskylä. “Kriittisten mineraalien saatavuuden varmistaminen myrkyisessä maailmassa” (Securing the Supply of Critical Minerals in a Stormy World).
- Presentation at the EU Raw Materials Week 2023 Session Risk Preparedness: Stockpiling and joint purchasing practices, Nov 14, 2023, Brussels. “Security through stockpiling: Case Finland”.
- Head of Delegation, Finland, CEN/CENELEC JTC21 Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Plenary Meeting (virtual), Nov 3, 2021.
- Head of Delegation, Finland, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC42 Artificial Intelligence Plenary Meeting (virtual), Oct 18 – 29, 2021.
- Head of Delegation, Finland, ISO TC 298 Rare Earths, 6th Plenary Meeting (virtual), Oct 13-14, 2021.
- Head of Delegation, Finland, CEN/CENELEC JTC21 Artificial Intelligence, 1st Plenary Meeting (virtual), Jun 1, 2021.
- DNA Tulevaisuustehdas: Akku on arvossa, kun kaikki sähköistyy. Podcast, 24 Feb 2021.
- Chairman, RoboJuristi 2020, 6.2.2020, Helsinki, Alma Talent.
- Chairman, RoboJuristi 2019 II, 30.10.2019, Helsinki, Alma Talent.
- Chairman, Älykäs automaatio & RPA 2019, Helsinki, Alma Talent. (Intelligent Automation & RPA 2019)
- Chairman, RoboJuristi 2019 I, 7.2.2019, Helsinki, Alma Talent.
- Chairman, Ohjelmistorobotiikka & Älykäs automaatio 2018, 12.12.2018, Helsinki, Alma Talent. (Software Robotics and Intelligent Automation 2018)
- Head of Delegation, Finland, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC42 Artificial Intelligence, 2nd Plenary Meeting, Oct 8-14, 2018. Sunnyvale, California.
- Presentation at the ICBR 2018 Conference, Sep 26-27, 2018, Berlin. “When will the EV batteries market emerge?”.
- Chairman, Ohjelmistorobotiikka, June 6, 2019, Helsinki, Alma Talent. (Software Robotics)
- Head of Delegation, Finland, ISO/IEC JTC1 SC42 Artificial Intelligence, 1st Plenary Meeting, May 18-20, 2018. Beijing, China.
- Presentation at the 18th International Automobile Recycling Congress (IARC 2018), March 14-15, 2018, Vienna. “False expectations or calm before the storm? A systemic view of the electric vehicle market in Finland”.
- Chairman, Ohjelmistorobotiikka and älykkäät prosessit 2017, 15.3.2017, Helsinki, Alma Talent. (Sofware Robotics and Intelligent Processes 2017)